1 km/hour coding sessions

After a 10 kilometer run, I had an epihancy: why don’t I do this daily? Or even hourly? Even it was the end of a long day of work, I felt energised. Ready to work another few hours. I felt sharp and focused.

I remembered an experiment by Beau Miles. He ran 1 mile every hour, for 24 hours. I could make this part of my working day routine. As a remote software developer this would feasible for sure. At a leisurely pace, it takes me about 5 minutes to run 1 kilometer. Adding 2 minutes to switch into and out of running clothes, would make it 7 minutes each hour.

I don’t track how much time I waste procrastinating, working inefficient, lose focus, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that amounts to more then 7 minutes per hour.

So, there isn’t really anything to lose. And I would gain a lot:

  • I will run daily 8km give or take; helping me to stay in shape
  • It might help to regain focus and perspective
  • I suspect that I will waste less time on procrastination

Tomorrow is day 1.