I have a confession to make: I own kind of a lot domain names. Much more then I need. For some, it’s shoes, watches or stamps, for me, it’s domain names. I guess I hope to use them someday.
Over the years, finding a good domain name, especially a .com, has become increasingly difficult. In my opinion it doesn’t matter whether your domain is a .com or .ai or .whatever. As long as your audience can find you; if it’s easy for your audience to remember, your golden.
With a bit of creativity, there are still SO many (!) great domain names available for registration. Often, all you need to do is drop a letter, add a prefix or suffix, or explore different top level domains (.so, .ai, .co, .dev, .app, .bot, etc).
Existing domain name generation tools, like Namelix, always took me a long time to generate at least a few decent ideas, only to find out those domain names were already taken. Dissatisfied with the existing solutions, I decided to build one myself.
That’s why I created - an AI-enabled tool designed to find the premium, short, yet available domain names. And the best part is: it’s free to use right now! The first 50 users to sign up will get a 6-month discount when we launch billing.
Give it a try and let me know what you think! 🙏